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Excerpt from my novel...

Writer's picture: Tonya Lampley, AuthorTonya Lampley, Author

Okay readers. I'm back at it again. And this time, there's more trouble in paradise. Alex and Daniel picked up where they left off, just married and Laura and Blake just came to visit along with their toddler Christian. Now you all know the yummy, strong, moral and God fearing Daniel wants a child to complete his fairytale and ya'll know strong, feminist Alex ain't having it. Worlds are about to collide. Visit my website and sign up for my newsletter for more sneak peaks and to be notified of the sequel's release date. TL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 📚📚📚📚

He grabbed her hand and entwined his fingers with hers as they casually approached the park’s lake. A few ducks eased off the bank and into the water upon hearing their approach creating a gentle splash. A ripple fanned out across the water. Daniel sat down on the bench. He pulled Alex down next to him. “I really enjoyed your friends. Blake felt almost like a brother.” “Isn’t he amazing? I’ve always admired him.” “He said the same thing about you.” “Me? What for?” “Your career accomplishments.” “Oh, that.” She smiled a half smile. “I would say, his career topped mine. He’s partner at one of the best firms in Chicago. He takes on really, high-profile cases. And he wins.” “Don’t sell yourself short. When I first came to the firm, everyone was talking about you inside and outside the company. I remember thinking… Who is this woman?” Alex smiled. “I’m proud of what I did.” “You should be.” “Hopefully, I paved the way for more women to enter the field. The financial industry is still one of the most male dominated industries out there. It’s extremely hard for women. It’s like they don’t want us there.” He kissed the back of her hand. “Well, you opened the door for more, especially in management. And now, you’re an entrepreneur. I’m sure you’ll inspire even more women with what you’re doing now. I’m proud of you.” He reached over and kissed her cheek. “My Modern Woman.” Seconds later, Daniel hung his head. His mood seemed to turn. “That Christian was something, wasn’t he? Just too dang cute for words? I know you’re busy with the gallery and all, but I was hoping you could stop taking the pill by the end of the year.” Alex felt her butt cheeks clench. Her face flushed and she felt her palms moisten. "Who knows, Alex. Maybe you won't even get pregnant with your age and all." "What's that supposed to mean?" "Let's not kid ourselves. It gets harder for women to get pregnant when they get older." Alex picked up a tiny pebble off the ground and threw it at him playfully. "Call me older again and watch what I do." "You are old." Daniel laughed. "So am I." “Say it, again. Not only will you not get a baby, but you won’t get the opportunity to try and make one either.” She stood up and started walking around the lake’s concrete pathway. Daniel caught up with her. “I’m serious, Alex. Being around Christian told me everything I need to know. I’m ready to be a father. I’m ready to have a baby with you. It’s starting to be all I can think about?” Christian’s visit had told Alex something, also. Smashed hotdogs on expensive glass tables didn’t seem like her thing. “I thought you said it was my body.” “It is your body. But this is about us, not just you.” Alex saw the muscle in his jaw clench. He was getting upset. “Daniel, now one minute you said it was my decision, now it feels like you’re pressuring me. You're demanding I stop the pill by the end of the year.” “I’m not trying to make you feel pressured, but I think it’s really silly for you to be afraid of getting pregnant. If everyone was afraid, no one would be here. Not you. Not me. Nobody. And, I didn't demand you do anything. It was a suggestion.” Alex turned toward the park’s entrance. It was time to leave. Their romantic jog was turning into something entirely different. “Did you hear what I said. You’re being silly.” Alex just kept walking. Daniel tried to grab her hand but she snatched it away. She just kept walking toward the house.


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