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Hi, I'm Tonya.

A Happiness Coach and Well Being Expert.

Did you know it's possible to build a satisfying life? One that reflects you in every way. Did you know peace and joy are your birthright? 

A life you love is possible!

Expand Your Wisdom

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Yes, I'm ready for change!



You've come to the right place if you're ready to level up your existence. I'm talking health, relationships, the spiritual process...everything you need to be your best self and enjoy life to the fullest.


Sign up for my newsletter, subscribe to my podcast and blog. Check out my books.  Download the free resources on the resource page. Immerse yourself in all the things I have going on. Everything I do is directly aimed at getting you to  love your life!

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You are a work in progress. Understanding that is one of the keys to finding life long happiness. You are in a constant state of evolution. Every phase of life, every challenge faced, serves the process of expansion. You are here to grow and to become the highest and most complete version of yourself possible. Every obstacle in life is simply here to serve that purpose; to call you forward into the next level. Things aren't happening to us, they're happening for us and through us, and a tiny shift in focus is all we need to join forces this beautiful evolutionary process.

You are much more than what your eyes can see. You are soul, spirit, essence. A spark of divine light. And you have been sent here to mold your clay. To uncover who you truly are and maximize your potential. Get ready to roll up your sleeves and get your hands dirty. The life you want is waiting on you. You must build it. From the ground up. And I'm here to challenge, support and guide you through that process. Who you think you are right now is only the beginning.

my clients…


→ Are seeking deeper meaning and satisfaction in life
→ Desire to know their Life Purpose
→ Are ready to find and show their authentic self
→ Want to experience profound peace
→ Are ready to impact their families and communities

Join my community www_edited.png

and I can help...


→ Dig deep and find what's missing
→ Work with you to find authentic confidence
→ Build in practices to help manage stress
→ Uncover your gifts and decide how you will impact the world

→ Offer tools to help you gain clarity around you who you are and why you're here

Imagine for a second the Real you.

The one who wakes up inspired, ready to face the challenges of the day. The one who is excited to be alive, who looks forward to making her contribution to the world. Imagine the you who strives daily to uncover the fullness of who she is, who pushes beyond perceived limits and discovers what's truly possible. 

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Allow me to be the bridge between where you are now and where you know you should be. Click the below tab and contact me if you're truly ready for change!

The Dalai Lama said The Western Woman will save the world. And I believe that. But first we have to save ourselves from jobs we hate, broken hearts, ill health, and dysfunctional relationships. I've had my own fitful journey and one thing I know for certain is this:​

Far too many of us aren't doing enough for ourselves. We're settling for less than what we could have and not expressing ourselves as all that we could be. I'm here to change that. My mission is to unleash the potential in all women. For those who are stuck, broken, hurt, confused, lacking in faith or have given up on themselves. I got you. Let me help you find your way forward.   

Saturday Morning Chats Podcast

If you've ever thought there was something more to life, this podcast is for you! Join me as I explore all that it means to be human. I take a practical approach to spiritual things...all intended to help you love your life.

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Be inspired to start living your truth today!

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Tonya Lampley, Fiction Author, NIEA finalist
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Must Read

This book opens the eyes of grief, loss, love and hope through the character of Damon. I cried at times, I was disappointed (not in the writing but the character), I was inspired and encouraged. This book is a must read. I definitely recommend this book.

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This Is A Must Read

I begin reading this book on Thursday and I was immediately drawn into the story. This book is not just a good read but there is something we can all identify with—the importance of self worth.

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True Love Prevails

It should be on the bestseller list in my opinion. This book is definitely a good read leaving the hopeless hopeful.

Are you struggling in relationships? Are you time and time again dating the wrong guy? Join me as I detail my past experiences with men and explore all the lessons I learned that lead me to make a more empowered choice and enjoy a healthy and satisfying partnership. It's possible for just need the right tools.




There's far more to life than what you currently see. Your happiness is directly tied to your willingness to grow. Who you are currently matters, but what's more important is who you are willing to become.


get it!

Decorative Shape

Grown Women
Evolving Spiritually
Transforming Ourselves
Inspiring Others
Taking Charge


Sign up for my newsletter where I'll talk about life, love and this magnificent journey we're on. You'll get tips and information that will inspire you to live your life the best way imaginable.

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