What’s Your Personal Mission?
Life Purpose Exercise
There are three pillars to a happy life: Marriage, Career, and Health. Your success in these three areas correlate directly with your overall satisfaction with life. This exercise is designed to get you to think deeper about one of these pillars—your career. When you love your work, life gets really good!
I’m often asked, “How can I find my life purpose?”
A better way of asking the question is, “how can I reveal my life purpose? It’s always been there, but we’ve overlooked it, refused to acknowledge it or didn’t think it had value. The lies we often tell ourselves! Sometimes we miss our purpose in life because we’re looking for some grandiose thing. We think that if it’s not on the level of a Gandhi or an Oprah Winfrey, it doesn’t matter.
Simply not true! Every single one of us comes here with a mission; some service we are to give to humanity. It’s almost as if it’s been encoded into our DNA. For most people, the awareness has been there in some shape or form their entire life. They just paid little attention to it. A mechanic, for example, probably took his bike apart and put it back together for fun as a kid. A scientist probably participated in the science fair every year throughout grade school. Probably won more than once. Sometimes it looks ordinary so we think it has no value: a teacher who makes sure no child gets left behind, a janitor who takes pride in his work knowing that because of him, businesses can operate in a safe and sanitary way, a TSA agent who dances as she scans everyone, invoking smiles and easing the jitters of nervous flyers. The reason they do it with joy is because it is their purpose! Your purpose is part of what gives life meaning. So many of us are miserable simply because we missed this one key fact.
Reflection Time
Find a quiet place and pull out your favorite journal. Take some deep breaths and try to find the still, quiet voice inside and answer the following questions:
✏ What is the burden you carry for humanity? If you could change one thing about the world, your community or life in general, what would it be?
✏ What always comes naturally to you?
✏ Is there a particular area of study you’ve always been interested in?
✏ If you were at a party in a room full of strangers and heard a group talking, what subject would naturally draw you in enough to participate in a conversation with complete strangers?
✏ What do people always come to or depend on you for? At work? Outside of work?
✏ At the end of your life, what would you want people to be grateful that you were on earth for?
Uncovering your life’s work is a process. Be patient but be excited. To the extent that you know your purpose you can design your career around who you truly are, which leads to your ultimate success and career satisfaction.
If you didn’t get insights right away, no worries. It will come if you set the intention to know it. If you did receive clarity, write it down on a note card and post it where you’ll see it every day.
Fill in that blank. What is your mission in life?
My name is:
My Life Purpose is:
Congratulations on your first step to fulfilling your purpose! Get connected to me at TonyaLampley.com for life purpose coaching and to find more resources designed to get you to love your life!!
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